A proposal to build nearly 200 homes on Brick Church Lane against I-24 and Briley Parkway will be decided at the Planning Commission Meeting Thursday, May 13th. Please help us stop this development and urge Metro Planning to enforce the Metro Code, Nashville Next policy, and subdivision regulations by disapproving this proposal. The proposal is too dense, even for T3NE policy, and does not reflect the rural character of the surrounding homes. There are also several safety concerns for the property.

How You Can Help Stop This Development
- Email the Metro Planning Commission in Opposition to 2021S-069-001 by 3:00 PM Central Time on Tuesday, May 11th (important to meet this deadline or your email will not be considered as part of the public record)
Send an email saying you are against this development (with your street address) to:
Jennifer.Gamble@nashville.gov (District 3 Councilwoman)
Cc: elise@elisehudson.com (to ensure everyone’s comments get in the final record)
Tell them why you are opposed to the development proposed on Brick Church Lane agenda item #2021S-069-001. Add your own words and explanations. Here are some ideas:
- Too much density for Brick Church Lane and even T3NE policy
- Does not abide by the cluster lot zoning codes
- Neighbors strongly opposed
- Safety issues of traffic on Brick Church Lane
- Homes will be surrounded by I-24, Briley Parkway, TVA High Power Electric Lines, and the FedEx Ground center
- The lot is existing dense forest with little preservation of the natural areas
- Does not match the rural character of the area west of I-24
- Add your thoughts!
2. Attend the Metro Planning Commission virtual hearing on this development on Thursday, May 13th at 4:00PM
- Tune into the meeting broadcast at Nashville > Information Technology Services > Cable Television Services > Metro Nashville Network > Live Streaming
- Wait for the Chair to announce when your item is ready for live call in.
- Dial 629-255-1901 and wait for operator assistance. Please note that this phone number is only in service during the meeting, beginning at 4:00 p.m.
- You will be asked if you are calling for the current case on hearing say Heartland North – 2021S-069-001 – Brick Church Lane
- Mute your TV or live stream when it is your turn to speak (to avoid echoing).
- Once your testimony begins, you state your name, address, and whether you are for or against the case, and give reasons why.
- During your testimony, you will receive a 30-second warning. Each person will ONLY get 2 minutes (including the time to say your name and address).
- Note: Information about attending in person will be updated as Planning posts procedures
3. Sign Our Petition Opposing the Development
Show your support by signing this petition against the proposal. This list will be shared with the Planning Commission.